PhD Thesis Defence For Dr Muthoni Ogola

Dr Muthoni Ogola , Paediatrician at Pumwani Maternity Hospital and a PhD student in  Department of Paediatrics ,University of Nairobi who this week successfully defended her PhD Thesis. As part of her PhD research Dr Muthoni developed a Neonatal Audit Tool and its implementation guide. The tool has already been adopted by several hospitals. Its a major breakthrough in NBU QI interventions. It was pleasant to be her supervisor alongside Dr Aluvaala and Prof Mike English . Whole team of ETAT+ trainers congratulations Dr Muthoni.


The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health ,University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Ministry of Health will be conducting yet another NEWBORN ETAT+ PROVIDER COURSE: Integrating Clinical Pathways and procedures with the use of Equipment.

This will still be a 5 day physical training to be conducted in two similar cohorts, one from Monday 14th - Friday 18th August 2023 and the other on Monday 21st -25th August,2023.