Seminars & Conferences


The MBChB Year 5 (2022/2023) second term group students were being introduced to the  correct use of equipment used in the newborn unit in the management of the neonates and common newborn diseases.


Over 50 paediatrician trainees having a training on teaching moms how to breastfeed by correct breastfeeding techniques as part of Newborn ETAT+ and the men were proud to do the demos.


The Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment plus Admission (ETAT+)training program aims to save children's lives by training healthcare workers to provide high quality care using the most up to date evidence based approaches.The training aims towards using simple and available resources towards this goal and focuses on the leading causes of morbidity  and mortality in children and neonates in Kenya.The training is offered to all medical students at the beginning of their Pediatrics and Child Health rotation in the fifth year of study and to students starting their postgraduate studies in