Latest News & Announcements

Thursday, February 1, 2024 - 12:00

Department of Paediatrics at University of Nairobi has organised a one day seminar on breastfeeding. The seminar will be held in the Lectures Theater 3 in the Faculty of Health Sciences KNH Campus. We shall that theory and practical sessions - thus limited slots. 
This targets health

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Monday, November 27, 2023 - 08:56

Dr Muthoni Ogola , Paediatrician at Pumwani Maternity Hospital and a PhD student in  Department of Paediatrics ,University of Nairobi who this week successfully defended her PhD Thesis. As part of her PhD research Dr Muthoni developed a Neonatal Audit Tool and its implementation guide. The tool

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Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 15:21

Dr. Diana Marangu is among ten outstanding early career scientists from nine African countries that have been awarded four-year fellowships that will build their capacity to conduct cutting-edge research in global health. The fellowships will be awarded through the

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‘Climate change and Environment: Understanding the impact on Paediatric practice to secure our Children future’.  This was the theme for this year's Kenya Paediatric Association Annual Scientific Conference held from 25th to 28th April 2023 in Pride Inn Paradise Hotel, Mombasa.   , Dr Cleopas Kaumbulu (Paediatrician) receiving The Leadership Award. , Dr Nyawira Magondu receiving The Leadership Award. , Dr Deborah Obwacha receiving The Professional Award. , We congratulate UoN Paediatric residents who won the Hillman's Medical Education Awards. We celebrated in style during the Kenya Paediatric Association Annual Dinner. , The Hillman Medical Education Fund is managed by Rose Charities, Canada. It is in memory of Prof Donald and Elizabeth Hillman.
Sunday, May 14, 2023 - 19:44

Attending this year’s Conference is an opportunity I thank God for. I am truly honored to have been given the prestigious 2022/23 Hillman’s Medical Professional Award which included a scholarship to attend the KPA Annual Scientific Conference. This is an award

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