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Plenary sessions  held in Lecture theatre 3 as the undergraduates listen keenly. , In the small group practical sessions, we had skill and simulation teaching and hands-on experience in performing common procedures such as newborn resuscitation and correct use of a radiant warmer. Thanks to the 20 postgraduates and faculty members who voluntarily availed themselves for  the 4-day training that made teaching of the practical sessions possible. ,  In the small group practical sessions, we had skill and simulation teaching and hands-on experience in performing common procedures such as newborn resuscitation and correct use of a radiant warmer, correct use of phototherapy and light meter, and CPAP and pulse oximeter. Also assessing life-threatening conditions in sick children and prompt administration of life-saving interventions. , The training was closed with a cake-cutting ceremony led by Prof. Grace Irimu, Chair of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health and Mother of ETAT+ for under 5’s and ETAT+ for the Newborns ETAT+.
Friday, April 28, 2023 - 08:18

We held a 4-day ETAT+ (Emergency, Triage, Assessment and Treatment Plus admission care) Training at the University of Nairobi from 17th April to 20th April 2023.  ETAT+ , is taught to all doctors in training, during their

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The 22 Pediatric residents who qualified to be the newly ETAT+ and Newborn ETAT + trainers. , The qualified full GIC instructors for trainers of ETAT+ and Newborn ETAT+ together with Professor  Grace Irimu. , The newly elected UON ETAT+ Coordinator Dr Irene Ngenzi and her deputy Dr Daisy Aluso together with the outgoing deputy Dr Gillian Muiruri , The outgoing UON ETAT + coordinator Dr Mercy Kamene , Taking every opportunity to celebrate as we grow in numbers
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 21:08

On the 22nd to 24th March 2023,Twenty two pediatric residents were trained and qualified to be the new ETAT+ and newborn ETAT+ trainers. The postgraduates of UON have been key in scaling up sustainable ETAT + and Newborn ETAT + training of all the

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 10:19

All countries have committed to reducing neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 deaths per 1000 live births by 2030. this sustainable development goal requires countries to transform the provision of newborn care, especially to the most vulnerable small and sick newborns

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - 14:48

A 5-day Newborn ETAT + Training integrating clinical pathways and procedures with the use of equipment.

(Incorporating the New WHO recommendations for the care of preterms)

At the University of Nairobi, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health.

32 participants including

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